Monday, October 5, 2015

A Prayer for When Things Seem Hopeless & Chaotic

Jesus, some days my world seems to be spinning out of control. Everywhere I look, I see chaos—even in my own life. There are days where I long to just throw in the towel and say, "Enough." Where can I turn? Who can I talk to?
You're the only one I know who will truly listen, Lord. And I know you have the answers. But I can't seem to find them. I long to see a little clearing in this tunnel. I need a little hope, Jesus. Your Word tells me I can come to you for that hope and that you won't disappoint, that your load is easy and your burden light.
Give me a new perspective, Lord, and blow away the cobwebs that keep cluttering my mind and my vision. Every time I'm tempted to become discouraged or depressed because of negative events or situations, help me turn my eyes on you. Help me to remember all the times you've been there for me, and all the ways you have brought me through difficult times. I forget to thank you sometimes, but I am so grateful for your faithfulness.


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