Monday, December 2, 2013

Don't Miss Your Divine Appointment

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34, NIV).

Jesus was a very busy man. And yet, He was never too busy to offer a kind word to the men and women who crossed His path on a daily basis.

He stopped and spoke to the diminutive Zacchaeus who was perched in a tree to get a better look at the parade of followers.

He took a break from His travels to engage in one of His longest recorded conversations with a weary woman who was at a well.

He interrupted His schedule to comfort a mother who was in the funeral procession of her only son.

He took time to deliver a demon-possessed man who stood in His way on the shore.

He noticed a lame man by the pool of Bethesda who waited for the healing waters to stir. 

He comforted His crying mother as she stood at the foot of the cross.

He instructed the frustrated fishermen as He stood watching from the shore.

Jesus noticed…and then He offered words and deeds of comfort and concern.

It appears that each of these incidents in Jesus’ life was an interruption in His packed schedule, but they were not interruptions at all. Each encounter was a divine appointment from His heavenly Father who controlled the moments of Jesus’ days.

Could it be that God is sending you out on a special assignment each time you cross the threshold of your home? I wonder who will God put in your path today?

As we go throughout our busy days this holiday season, we are continually met with opportunities to impact others with the words we speak. The man in front of us in line at the grocery store, the woman at the checkout counter, the waiter in the restaurant, the fellow passenger on the airplane, or the neighbor across the street might be your special assignment for the day.

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