Saturday, April 28, 2012


 Prayers for  the critical life, health, and future ministry direction of many congregations.

This is a prayer guide: Psalm 100, Joel 2:12-17, Matthew 28: 19-20

Read Ezra 3:11

Let us give thanks for the love of GOD revealed in tangible ways...

for the foundation laid for us in Christ Jesus...

for the same mindset as Christ Jesus who emptied himself...

for the faithful witness of the saints who have gone before...

Read Revelation 2:1-7

Let us repent of our complacency and disengagement with our denomination...

the inordinate value we place on programs and participation...

our tendency to regard prayer as just a supplement...

treating our brothers and sisters in ways that dishonor Christ...

allowing the culture to permeate the church in ungodly ways...

loving the American dream more than the Savior Jesus...

proclaiming the message of the cross without clarity and passion...

Read Exodus 33:13-14

Let us pray for a teachable spirit...

for assurance that in life and in death we belong to our Savior Jesus Christ...

that we would trust the peace giving presence of God at all times...

for God's people around the world who suffer true persecution for the gospel...

for those who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Savior, or who have turned from him or been led away from the truth of his love...

Read Psalm 24:3-8

Read Psalm 19:1-4;7-9

Let us give thanks for God's glory, revealed all around us...

for God's Word, at work in all his people...

for God's radiance that will lead and sustain us through this day...

for God's promise that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus...

Read Matthew 24:3-7;12-14

Let us pray for wisdom in our leadership to exhibit the Kingdom of God...

a spirit that will glorify Christ in discussion and reconciliation...

vision to see God's future and the ability to communicate that vision with hope and humility...

endurance and renewed vitality...

protection from the confusion and arrogance that fosters disunity...

Read 1 Thessalonians 3: 12-13

Let us pray that God would increase our love for each other and especially for those who are outside the reach of the Church...

that the Holy Spirit will strengthen our hearts in times of temptation and discouragement...

that our love for God would be revealed in holy attitudes and humble behavior...

that those who lead Jesus' followers around the world would see the Church increase in witness and service...

Read Malachi 2:17; 3:7b

Read Psalm 68:26

Let us give thanks for how the praise and adoration of God arises in the life and worship ...

for how we experience the unity of the Holy Spirit in the work and worship...

Read Acts 15:22-35

Let us pray repenting of any bitterness and ungodliness we have brought into our life together...

that Christ would be honored in all conversations and decisions..

that together we glorify God and exhibit God's Kingdom...

for a spirit of mutual justice, fairness, and charity...

that each congregation may find freedom to respond in this challenging season through different Christ-honoring ways...

for strength, grace, and wisdom for our leaders...

for congregations who are struggling...

for vision, wisdom, and persistence in the work of the Middle Governing Bodies Commission.

Read Revelation 4:9-11

With that image in mind, let us pray that in all our deliberation, we would be aware of the presence of the One who truly reigns for ever and ever...

that we would relinquish our need to rule and control, deferring to the will and purpose of the Lord of all...

that congregations would once again become places of prayer, study, worship, nurture, and mission...

that we would listen to the admonition and encouragement of sisters and brothers called to ministry around the globe...

Read Hebrews 10:23

Read Psalm 63:1-3

Let us give thanks for times when we have seen God in sanctuary...

for the gift of God's perspective in our lives...

for ways in which God enables us to give public witness to His grace and His glory...

Read Acts 5:27-39

Let us pray repenting of self-interest that blinds us to God's calling...

that we would yield our hearts to God's will in every situation...

that confusion would not obscure God's purpose...

for the wisdom and understanding in difficult conversations...

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