Sunday, August 28, 2011

The mystery of the Cross will overshadow every Christian’s life. Much as we may consider the gift of peace the mark of strong faith, and be tempted to think that such peace will render us impervious to ‘the slings and arrows of fortune’, yet the following of Christ will bring us inevitably to share in some manner in his Passion. ‘If any of you wish to be my disciples’, Jesus said, ‘let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’ (Matthew 16:24). Naturally, we can recoil at such a prospect. And Peter, who had confessed his faith in Jesus, nevertheless was taken aback when Jesus subsequently spoke about his future suffering in Jerusalem. But, to continue to accompany someone on their journey, and stay with them in their troubles, is the mark of love. And the sufferings that come our way in life, leading to anguish and darkness, will not be in vain if we appreciate that through those sufferings we are sharing in the Cross of the Lord. For the Cross is also the mystery of divine love, poured out to the end, for the world’s redeeming. In our own tribulations, small or great, we are mysteriously joined to that great love, and are part of it for the healing and uplifting of humanity. In the Cross is our own redemption and eternal hope, and also that of the whole world. Nothing we suffer is in vain, therefore, but is made fruitful, in the fruitfulness of Christ’s offering and eternal love.

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