Wednesday, April 30, 2014


God will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy (Job 8:21, NCV).

One Saturday morning a little boy and his father took a long awaited trip to the local pet store in search of a new puppy. The dad had been promising the trip for weeks, and the day had finally come. The little boy had read several books about dogs, surveying the pets of his friends, asking countless questions, and waiting for this day, ready to make his choice.

When father and son walked into the pet store, the dad immediately realized that this task was going to be much harder than he thought it would be. There were so many adorable puppies from which to choose. But with determination in his heart and confidence in his step, the little boy began his search. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, eyes and heart locked on the perfect dog. Staring at the little boy from the wired confines of a small crate was an undersized and fairly unimpressive black puppy. Following his son’s gaze, the dad cringed as he realized that the first puppy he had eliminated as a possibility was the very one his son was watching.

The father attempted to re-direct the interest of his son toward a more suitable dog. It was not to be. Each time the little boy returned to his first choice, the black puppy that was almost grinning at the boy, eagerly pawing at the cage door, and wagging his tail with great enthusiasm. The dad finally asked, “Son, which one do you want?” The little boy pointed at the dog with the furiously wiggling tail and announced with great certainty, “I want that one, Daddy! I want the one with the happy ending.”

We all want a life filled with happy endings, but we seem to be living lives that could well be described as “joy-less.” Every day is lived at the mercy of the world. We are like Charlie Brown who admits, “I have a new philosophy. I’m only going to dread one day at a time.”

God promises that if we know Him, we will know true joy. Joy is not merely happiness. True joy is an unshakable confidence that God is in control.

God is our one and only source of joy, and stands ready and waiting to saturate every circumstance with His presence. As His children, joy is ours to claim. Really? If that is true, then where is it? Why are so many of us facing each day with a sense of dread instead of a confident celebration?

Maybe it is because of the Joy Stealers who lurk in the shadows, waiting to crush joy wherever they find it. I have great news for you, girlfriend. Nothing and no one can take your joy without your permission. So, don’t give it!  Choose joy instead.

Choosing joy requires us to identify and eliminate the “joy stealers” in life. You may be allowing a person to take your joy. Maybe some painful experience from a shadowed yesterday is an obstacle of joy in your life today. Perhaps a fearful circumstance or a broken dream is the culprit.

I know life can be painful. I know it is often hard and unfair. I also know God is in control. So if God really is God (and He definitely is), then we can and should be people of joy. I have read the final chapter of the Book, and we win!